November 2015- May 2016
Video Installation HD Video, 3min 37sec
A Chinese grandmother and her Japanese grandmother attempt to communicate each other using their own language through the video chat. Although they have no Idea what they’re saying, Tamao just gave them an instruction ‘keep talking’. This One-Way Communication might provoke geopolitical issue without their ‘real’ communication.

A Chinese grandmother and my Japanese grandmother attempt to communicate with each other using their own language through the video chat. Although they have no Idea what they’re saying, I just gave them an instruction ‘keep talking’. This video work aims to consider Japanese cultural and political concerns.
I lived with Chinese family who are grandmother, mother, and four years old boy. Although I cannot speak Chinese, grandmother always speaks me using Chinese as she cannot speak English. I found interested in her strongly. I came up with idea that if my grandmother who cannot speak English and Chinese grandmother speak each other, what happened?
Process of making video was significant aspect of this work. Firstly, A Chinese mother did not allow to get her grandmother involved with my art work. I attempt to persuade and explain my intention and aim many times. Likewise, I explained my aim to my Japanese grandmother and mother. Eventually, both of them understood and agreed with my aim.

I showed two video’s shown on adjacent walls at slightly different height. This is because these double projections were taken at different place where were Japan and London. I tried to make a distance for audience. Due to the height of the subtitles, the audiences in the room stood up and moved around in an attempt to catch the subtitles and read. At the discussion of this work, it was considered that fiction and truth, happy accidents, miscommunication, politeness, politics, and relationships.
The video seems like very humorous. However, the background of them are serious. Many of my art works, using the way of poetic, metaphors or parables, have a coincidental juxtaposition of humor and seriousness.