It's selling well
20-28 September 2016
Fake Shopping Channel, 14min 28sec
Paris (France)
Is Western culture the object of people's adoration? Then, is the numerous culture going to be homogeneous gradually? From my experience at Morocco, this tendency is not only North-Africa’s situation, but also a lot of cultures even in Japan. In this exhibition, I addresses to pose the question about this tendency of the homogenisation of the world these days by creating a film piece which is the fake shopping channel.
I gathered the objects from immigrants who were born after decolonization, which were brought from their own county and they do not need any more. The objects will be gotten rid of the color from original surface by demonstrator’s numerous actions in the fake TV programme. I would like to express these real situation using humorous way in order to emerge the question about the possibility of homogeneous situation by the fiction.
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Video installation
Gathering people who are watching the shopping programme in London.